Fast Cash Loan Australia

What is a Cash Advance (Payday Loan)?


A cash advance (payday loan) is a type of short-term personal loan for a smaller amount, loaned for a shorter period.
It can range anywhere from $100 to $1,000, depending on the customers income.  Loans are usually available in multiples of $100.
Cash advances (payday loans) usually have a term of 15 days but can can have a term of up to 42 days (depending on the customer's pay frequency), and are due on the customer’s payday following the current coming payday.

Payday loan lenders usually allow customers to apply for another loan on the same day their existing loan is repaid.

Whether a customer has good credit or bad credit, they can easily apply for a cash advance (payday loan).
The process is easy.
The application is usually processed instantly, and if approved, the cash is transferred into the customer’s bank account as early as the next day.

The use of a cash advance or payday loan is diverse.
Cash advances (payday loans) can be used for unexpected expenditures such as car repair, overdue bills, groceries, etc.
The general consensus of a cash advance or payday loan is to bridge the gap until payday.
It is access to cash when you need it, and to spend on whatever you need it for.

The cost of a $100 cash advance is typically less than the cost of a bank dishonour fee, less than paying late fee's for your rent, and certainly more convenient and private than having to visit a bank.


Fast Cash Advances